
Resetting or adding money to your paper trading account (ThinkOrSwim)

If you are Paper trading in ThinkOrSwim you probably will at some point want to reset the dollar amount you are starting with, or reset the account back to a certain amount if you have a draw down and want to restart using a different strategy. (FYI – you can click on any of these […]

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DMO Triforce study for long term trades (.ts file set. free download)

The DMO Triforce study set is a ThinkOrSwim study set of custom indicator that can be selected to display on a chart for long term trades. At the bottom of this post is a link to download this study set and a link to instructions on how to install it.  This set of indicators can […]

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What is a ThinkOrSwim Study Set and how to install one

One of the most powerful and useful features of ThinkOrSwim is the ability add studies to charts and write (or download) custom studies. ThinkOrSwim has a sharing platform where users can create special sharing links. These links can then be used by other ThinkOrSwim users to download the custom Thinkscript code to install custom scans, […]

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Finding Doty TOS Study set (.ts file set, free download)

Finding Doty is a study set and trade set up that works with the study set.  A ThinkOrSwim study is basically a custom indicator that can be selected to display on a chart. There are many studies available by default within the ThinkOrSwim platform. Custom indicators can be written using ThinkOrSwim’s coding language called ThinkScript […]

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Top % daily gainers/losers (free download)

Top % gainers and Top % losers (Daily) are two separate scans that I run in my ThinkOrSwim side bar along with several other scans. If the scan “triggers” for any stocks trading in the US stock market, the ticker symbol will be automatically added to the watch list for that scan. I have that […]

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Gap Up close Scan (free Download)

The Gap Up Close scan is a scan I run in my ThinkOrSwim side bar along with several other scans. If the scan “triggers” for any stocks trading in the US stock market, the ticker symbol will be automatically added to the “Gap Up Close” watch list. I have that watch list linked to one […]

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Gap Down Close scan (free download)

The Gap Down Close scan is a scan I run in my ThinkOrSwim side bar along with several other scans. If the scan “triggers” for any stocks trading in the US stock market, the ticker symbol will be automatically added to the “Gap Down Close” watch list. I have that watch list linked to one […]

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C4 spiker (free download)

The C4 Spiker scan is a scan I run in my ThinkOrSwim side bar along with several other scans. If the scan “triggers” for any stocks trading in the US stock market, the ticker symbol will be automatically added to the “C4 Spiker” watch list. I have that watch list linked to one of the […]

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C4 Mook Tanker Scan (free download)

The C4 Mook Tanker scan is a scan I run in my ThinkOrSwim side bar along with several other scans. If the scan “triggers” for any stocks trading in the US stock market, the ticker symbol will be automatically added to the “C4 Mook tanker” watch list.  I have that watch list linked to one […]

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C4 Mook Bouncer scan (free download)

The C4 Mook bouncer scan is a scan I run in my ThinkOrSwim side bar along with several other scans. If the scan “triggers” for any stocks trading in the US stock market, the ticker symbol will be automatically added to the “C4 Mook bouncer” watch list.  I have that watch list linked to one […]

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